Ranjeet’s Story

Against All Odds: How Ranjeet Decoded Happiness

Join Ranjeet on a journey of transformation, where resilience can become your greatest asset. Are you ready to unlock your inner strength and rewrite your story of resilience and empowerment?

From Challenges to Healing: Ranjeet Kaur Adlakha's Journey

My path to becoming an emotional and spiritual healer was paved with several challenges. By overcoming these obstacles with the help of my inborn qualities, I gained a profound understanding of the holistic methods and techniques I follow to heal my clients. My story serves as an inspiration, demonstrating how a desire for knowledge can lead to personal transformation.

Grief to Growth: Embracing Life After Loss with Ranjeet

Life threw us an unexpected challenge we didn’t imagine. A few years ago, our daughter got sick, and we didn’t see it coming.


It was a challenge to watch her. We had our hard times, but even then, we found tiny bits of hope and ways to heal. We had to change, be stronger, and fight through it. It wasn’t easy, but it changed us more than we ever thought possible.

From Seed to Bloom: How Ranjeet Cultivated Healthy Relationships Through Manifestation

Guided by belief, my college days showed me: that positive energy attracts love and that is where manifestation comes into the picture. Let’s explore yours! Together, we’ll unearth your desires, shed limiting beliefs, and cultivate your authentic magnetism.

Ready to transform your relationships? 

Love Beyond Life: Connecting Spiritual Realms After Her Passing

The passing of my daughter left a huge hole in our hearts. We had to find comfort and I used my healing practices to try and connect with her. In quiet moments, I listened for any little sign she might be near. One fine day, I felt it.


It wasn’t like anything, but I knew it was her. She sent me love and peace, letting me know she was okay and no longer in pain. It brought me so much comfort to know she’s happy now. I was able to do this with my inborn qualities and I healed myself.

I Mended my Fractured Heart and Reclaimed Joy after Grief You can do this too!

My daughter’s departure sent me on a quest to connect with her on a deeper level, seeking solace in my healing abilities. During a powerful experience, I received a comforting message from her, filled with reassurance and freedom from pain. This profound encounter has been a beacon of light amidst the emotional damage.

I understand the depths of such loss, and I offer my heartfelt guidance to anyone navigating similar challenges. Know that you are not alone, and light can be found on the path forward.

Ready to Find Comfort Beyond Grief?

Grief opened unseen doors, revealing a connection that brought comfort and peace. Now, I am here to guide you towards your healing and transformation.

Make it happen, TODAY!

Fountain of Happiness Within

Unlock your inner joy with “Fountain of Happiness Within”! Discover your unique path to happiness through personalized coaching, Ranjeet’s self-created RRP healing techniques, and exclusive access to Ranjeet’s expertise and resources. Find lasting fulfilment and radiate your authentic brilliance.

Discover Your Blueprint

In-depth conversation to understand your desires, challenges, and current state of happiness.

Release & Renew

Identify the key issues impacting your happiness. Small daily healing practices to cultivate joy and gratitude.

Deepen & Transform

Address additional happiness blocks one at a time, using tailored techniques. Gain self-awareness and understanding of your thought patterns and behaviours. Continued guidance and support as you integrate your progress.

Access to Ranjeet’s Insider Program

Unlimited access to personalized support and member-only discounts for her best-selling and other programs including upcoming events.

Is Grief, Emotional Stress, or a Bad Relationship Holding You Back? Discover the Path to Unconditional Joy

My story isn’t just mine; it’s an open invitation to explore the transformative power of personal growth, unwavering belief, and deep healing. It’s a call to remember the dreams we push away, and a chance to recreate them into a satisfying reality.

Together, we can unlock the secrets of your true path. Will you answer opportunity’s knock?    

Ready to discover the untapped potential within you?

Let’s begin the transformation together.